Buffalo Bash Guest List

We are attempting to assemble an accurate and up-to-date Guest list.  If you see your name on the wrong list... or if you aren't on the list at all... let myhrmaid know and the correction will be made!  Thank you very much for your cooperation!

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For Sure For Sure List...
This is the Final list of attendees!

Perhaps Maybe I Think List...
(On original Possible Guest list)

Wish I could Make It But Can't List...
(Folks who would love to be there with us! We will miss them!)
  1. adrienne4
  2. Anchorman
  3. BillD
  4. Bridg
  5. Clarelady
  6. Cork2Buffalo
  7. DorothyKilgallen
  8. honeygirl8
  9. Intrepid
  10. JustPlainRose/mac_talla
  11. Kharis
  12. Kirso/Jayne
  13. Kress
  14. Kress' wife Janice
  15. LargePapa
  16. Lonkert
  17. Macparland
  18. Markham
  19. Myhrmaid
  20. Plagarist/Phineast
  21. Prudence
  22. SeanAthair
  23. SeanAthair's wife Kathy
  24. Stephon
  25. Stormsend
  26. Tazzdevil
  27. Yowie -  The Yowie World Tour starts here!!
  1. Athena
  2. Adobe
  3. Azoune
  4. BurgoFitzgerald
  5. Budwiser
  6. Chainsaw
  7. challoner
  8. Coyote
  9. Cypress
  10. Eimmy
  11. ElCoolio
  12. Emeraldjohn
  13. f2
  14. FBI
  15. hampton7
  16. HunterRose
  17. Intgytia
  18. Maharet
  19. Mamabert
  20. Mrs.Angie
  21. Quietman2
  22. Rachel
  23. racy
  24. Slickbunny
  25. Summer
  26. tagger
  27. thunderwoman
  1. Ruffie!!! (it was her idea to have this list so she is first! *lol*)
  2. Bonnaght/deorai
  3. cleo
  4. diamondgeezer
  5. even
  6. firepup
  7. Gaelenda
  8. Jericho_Roanoke
  9. Kirkdale
  10. ladyinblack/toto
  11. LeonaRose
  12. Leprechuan
  13. lovinguinness
  14. lummlumm
  15. manb
  16. Nadir
  17. pegs
  18. philter
  19. pootscarmichael
  20. Pyxi
  21. redheadfromwyoming
  22. sparklingbabe
  23. thewiseone
  24. thornykate
  25. Weecolleen
  26. Welshfire
  27. wysteria
  28. Yrrek



