For Sure For Sure List...
This is the Final list of attendees! |
Perhaps Maybe I Think List...
(On original Possible Guest list) |
Wish I could Make It But Can't List...
(Folks who would love to be there with
us! We will miss them!) |
- adrienne4
- Anchorman
- BillD
- Bridg
- Clarelady
- Cork2Buffalo
- DorothyKilgallen
- honeygirl8
- Intrepid
- JustPlainRose/mac_talla
- Kharis
- Kirso/Jayne
- Kress
- Kress' wife Janice
- LargePapa
- Lonkert
- Macparland
- Markham
- Myhrmaid
- Plagarist/Phineast
- Prudence
- SeanAthair
- SeanAthair's wife Kathy
- Stephon
- Stormsend
- Tazzdevil
- Yowie - The Yowie World Tour starts here!!
- Athena
- Adobe
- Azoune
- BurgoFitzgerald
- Budwiser
- Chainsaw
- challoner
- Coyote
- Cypress
- Eimmy
- ElCoolio
- Emeraldjohn
- f2
- hampton7
- HunterRose
- Intgytia
- Maharet
- Mamabert
- Mrs.Angie
- Quietman2
- Rachel
- racy
- Slickbunny
- Summer
- tagger
- thunderwoman
- Ruffie!!! (it
was her idea to have this list so she is first! *lol*)
- Bonnaght/deorai
- cleo
- diamondgeezer
- even
- firepup
- Gaelenda
- Jericho_Roanoke
- Kirkdale
- ladyinblack/toto
- LeonaRose
- Leprechuan
- lovinguinness
- lummlumm
- manb
- Nadir
- pegs
- philter
- pootscarmichael
- Pyxi
- redheadfromwyoming
- sparklingbabe
- thewiseone
- thornykate
- Weecolleen
- Welshfire
- wysteria
- Yrrek