Buffalo Bash - Travel Information
Niagara Falls
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One of the Seven Wonders of the World!
We are planning an outing to Niagara Falls on Sunday after Brunch for those of you who will still be around.  By going on Sunday, you won't have to worry about coming back early because there are no other group plans for that day.  Also, I have heard that the Falls at night are spectacular!!
Here are some links for Niagara Falls to get you started:
Niagara Falls1 Maid of the Mist
boat tour of the Falls
Niagara Falls2
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City of Niagara Falls Yahoo Photo Gallery
order prints or send postcards of Niagara Falls
Niagara Falls Vacation Guide
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Screamers House of Horrors Go Niagara Falls Casino Niagara
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Marineland Canada Daredevils of Niagara Falls Niagara Falls Attractions
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Niagara Parks Illumination of the Falls Schedule
May 1 to August 21 9:00 p.m. - Midnight
Oh Canada Eh?
Dinner show at Niagara Falls


Photos Toasts!