Looking down Broadway towards the Twin Towers |
Looking up! |
Our tour bus turning off W. Broadway onto Vessey St and under a
metallic walkway! |
The Atrium across the Westside Hwy from the Towers. We entered
through here and walked across a walkway to 1 WTC. |
There were full-sized palm trees in the Atrium... very beautiful |
Tim waiting for our elevator to go up. |
Kind of hazy out!
Empire State building is off in the distance. |
Looking down. West Broadway
street is running north in the middle. |
View from the observation
deck looking North. |
The North tower to the left
(1 WTC) |
Looking straight down!! |
Diorama of NYC |
Another shot of the
Diorama. |
Ferries going to and from
NJ across the Hudson River. |
From the observation deck,
looking down and across West Street towards the Hudson River. |
looking towards the other
tower and New Jersey |
Statue of Liberty and Ellis
Island in the Upper NY Bay
A Ferry going by on the
Hudson |
Looking towards Battery Park |
Looking down 110 stories!
West Street below. |
Mary on top of the South Tower |
On top of the South Tower
(2 WTC) |
Looking Southeast across to
New Jersey |
Looking North |
The Bridges on the East
River - Manhattan and
Looking Northwest. |
Another view of the bridges |
Looking towards Brooklyn. The Woolworth building is the one with
the green top. |