(click on the photos to see a larger version)

My present kitties
image0001.jpg (96371 bytes)
Quinn - 6/1/03
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Quinn - 6/1/03
Quark3.jpg (68868 bytes)
Quark 5/30/03

Quinn...  the kitten I got for Quark!
quinn01_1a.jpg (67694 bytes)
She is absolutely adorable and the sweetest kitten! 

Quark and I love her to bits!
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This is a photo of my big boy... kitty Quark!
My beautiful boy!
Isn't he a handsome guy? 

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Quark the mighty explorer!

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Quark as a kitten

QuarkinHamper_2.jpg (24673 bytes) quinn8553_10.JPG (99379 bytes) quinn8553_05.JPG (78054 bytes)
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Other 2003 photos of Quark and Quinn
Other kitties
My dear Timothy
Born on my birthday in 1985
Died at age 15
tim_paper.jpg (53645 bytes) 
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Tim and Zoe his sister
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Zoe and baby Quark
Zoe lived to be 16
Sweet Zoe
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Kitten at Margi & Penny's
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CelPril's Mama Kitty
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Tiger at CelPril in one of his poses
And one little dog - Feebe the rat-dog!
feebebaby2.jpg (15350 bytes) Feebe1.jpg (191106 bytes) Feebe2.jpg (96912 bytes)

My favorite web card site!


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Thanks Dave!!