Disney Resort in Anaheim

August 9-11, 2002

(Click on the thumbnails to see a larger photo)
All photos from Cindy's collection except where noted

Index of photos: California Adventure ~ Disneyland ~ Fresno
For Rhea's High School graduation present, I took her down to Disneyland for 3 days of fun.  Jarrod and Amy were also able to join us.  We all had a fantastic time riding on all the rides, kidding around and generally having a great time!  Rhea and I also got to visit Jarrod and Amy's house in Fresno and meet their kitty Cosmo.
California Adventure
This is the newest part of the Disney Resort.  It is very different from Disneyland!
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Rhea, Jarrod and Amy
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With pretty flowers
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Rhea, Jarrod and Amy again
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Grizzly Peak
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Paradise Pier with giant roller coaster and Ferris wheel
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Looking towards the giant orange.
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Rhea, Jarrod and Amy
waiting in line
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They get ready to take off!
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Roller coaster in mid-ride.
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Walking towards the Golden Gate
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Golden Plaza
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The entrance to California Adventure
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We all decided we still liked Disneyland the best!
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Amy, Jarrod and Rhea 
with Walt and Mickey
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Toontown car
Rhea and Jarrod
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Amy tries to be a weight lifter
In Mickey's house in Toontown
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Rhea makes a phone call
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All of us with Mickey!
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Rhea on the train
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Storybook Land
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Jarrod in the hot tub back at the hotel
Jarrod and Amy's house and kitty
(coming soon!)

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