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Tribute for Sara by Sue Haley (England) I, like many sending tributes, really didn't know Sara very well 'personally' but from seeing her at cons, on con videos and by report, added to the vigil we have kept for her throughout her illness, I now feel a deep sense of loss which is disproportionate to the time I actually spent 'in the same room' with her. I can only explain this in that she was just an extraordinary person and I am honoured that she touched my life. This evening I will take the news to my deaf friends who have been praying for Sara every week. Much love \M/ Sue "I have spread my dreams under your feet, Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams" (W.B.Yeats) Go to: [Top of Page][Tribute Index] Tribute for Sara by Maranda Hull (Texas) I'm stunned and heartbroken about Sara. It's true, I didn't know her as well as I'd liked to have. But I knew about her. And I knew she is a verteran, which tells me a lot. I know she faced this with so much bravery. And I know what it is like to lose someone. Could you give me some addresses where I might send something to tell those around her we're here. I know we have lost people in our lives but I think this is the first we've lost in our family that was so much a part of us all. But God needed her more than we did and when we all pray and fight things and it is inevitable it is to tell us that His plan is better than ours. Whatever can I do, Linda? I will say prayers, light candles and support those that need me. Anything else, please include me. I'm including something in Jamie's newsletter. Jamie knew her and did a very funny thing during a time she was in the costume contest.....the tunnel rat killer! I'll find out the year and share that fun story. Love, Maranda Go to: [Top of Page][Tribute Index] Tribute for Sara by
Avril Bowles(England) Dear Linda I'm so very, very sorry about Sara. Go to: [Top of Page][Tribute Index] Tribute for Sara by
Patricia Thomas ...Seems like God was having a Big Parade when He welcomed Sara through the gates. Go to: [Top of Page][Tribute Index] Tribute for Sara by Jamie
Murray ... Myhr.. (Texas) Like most of the people in this fandom family, I didn't know Sara that well. To me, she was "the rat-catcher" in the con Masquerade, who I talked with briefly at the annual conventions. Until, that is, that memorable Masquerade bit at the Vegas con in '94 (thankfully, immortalized on tape!)...the rat-catcher made her entrance, strode with determined steps to the microphone, and with quivering voice, started her little speech (yes, hard to believe, but Sara was always a bit nervous getting up to do a performance). She grabs "Rembrandt", the biggest of all her captured rats, but it breaks free and falls to the floor, where it flops around in stunned convulsions. >From off-stage, Myhr sees the mass of fur writhing in contortions and pounces, flying through the air to land on the massive, furry plaything (or was it lunch?). Content with his prize, Myhr hurriedly snuck off-stage. Not knowing what was going on behind her, but taken aback by the audience's sudden outburst of laughter, she bravely went on with her prepared speech. Finishing her bit, she made a quick exit stage left, frantically searching for the suddenly AWOL Rembrandt. Backstage, Sara stormed up to Myhr, demanding the return of Rembrandt, and with fire in the eyes (uh oh, here it comes...Myhr gets yelled at again for stealing a contestant's spotlight...), Sara says "Don't EVER sneak up on a serviceman like that again, you may get an example of Special Forces training!" With the fear of God firmly planted in his soul, Myhr then noticed the impish little twinkle in Sara's eyes...we both cracked up and formed that special bond that two people share when they've made it through a battle together! Sara was a marvelously funny writer, had a quirky dry wit, and was always there if someone needed support. There were numerous layers to this lady, but I knew her long enough to sample only just a few. But, to me, she will always be that feisty rat-catcher, who walked quietly and carried a big rat! Love you, Sara...will see ya next time our paths cross... Jamie Go to: [Top of Page][Tribute Index] Tribute for Sara by Robin Hello Linda- What beautiful thoughts you are sharing with us! Like some others, I never met Sara; yet, in her passing, she somehow became a part of all of us. I've cried many tears for a woman I never met, never even knew in the slightest way; and yet I've felt the touch of her spirit. Not to cheapen this, but the awesome power of the internet for *GOOD* has been demonstrated by this vigil. Hundreds of us were brought together to pray in our common bond for a fellow member of our human family. Truly, I've never quite felt anything like this. I'm glad she's at peace now. And I'm sure my friend Bill, who went before her in November from leukemia, is welcoming her, and kidding with her about her being in fandom. You see, he wasn't a fan, but he worked with one (me! Go to: [Top of Page][Tribute Index] Go to page [one / three]
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