
Distant Shore II


July 2000, Burbank, California

(click on a photo to see a larger version)

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Our wonderful Myhr - always our Master of Ceremonies. Me and Ron Perlman!!! I even got to kiss him on the cheek! Sally and Ron.  What a smile! Ron *sighs*
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With Lee Holderidge. What a nice guy! Edward Albert, me and Myhr Mouse and rat. Jamie
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Myhr again... look at those eyes! My other myhrmaid buddies, Sally, Jennifer, Mary and Pat. The group at our banquet table. Marie, Anne, me and Gwen.  My British BATB pals.
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Pat and I become Earth Godesses This gentleman has collected many of the costumes from the show. Most of the guests in a panel Q&A Passing the torch to the next con committee... NYC in 2001!
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Gotta love your Rat! Our infamous Bed Shots... with and without sunglasses.  Poor Rats!! Mary, Jen, Pat, Ina, Sally and Ralf.  Ina and Ralf are our new friends from Germany.


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Our youngest myhrmaid, Jennifer has grown into a lovely young woman!


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Last updated 01/14/2007